o/a 11/26/2013 Security, Global Strategy, INTEL + Risk US general: 'Positive path' in Afghanistan https://plus.google.com/116466297204483304938/posts/8tvTs6d51Nr
Security, Global Strategy, INTEL + Risk @ usisedg - gmskr is tracking situation involving \ US general: 'We are on a positive path' in Afghanistan. (placement in social media stream o/a Nov. 26, 2013) The US-Afghan deal is on shaky ground now that Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is upping the ante and making new demands. An Afghanistan commander said his forces are still dependent on U.S. Gen. James McConville, who commands about 10,000 troops in eastern Afghanistan. But no U.S.-Afghan deal may mean McConville’s troops and the Afghan soldiers are in limbo.
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